Cadet - Musical Explorers

Newsletter for Friday, Feb. 21


Welcome singers! Mrs. Bartemes will be your teacher, and help explore music with you each week. We focus on finding singing voices, finding the steady beat of different songs, playing instruments, moving to music, and attentive listening to songs and stories. Our curriculum is based on the Kodaly and First Steps methods which focus on building foundational musical skills through experience music in a variety of ways. As we like to say: SING, SAY, DANCE, and PLAY in a TUNEFUL, BEATFUL, ARTFUL way!

Parents and Caregivers are welcome to sit in during music each week. If there are other siblings, they are welcome to sit in as well, but should not be participating in the activities without Mrs. Bartemes’s invitation to do so.

Every child has different needs and comfort levels at this age, and Mrs. Bartemes is mindful of what each child brings to class.

Very young children (siblings) may enjoy listening and watching with their parent(s) off to the side. But, if the young child is distracting or interrupting learning of the class, please take them to the hall or a different room to play on their own.

Please make sure your child uses the bathroom prior to class to avoid missed learning time and accidents.

Weekly Schedule: Thursdays, 5:00pm-5:30pm

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This is a tool where HYC can text you directly to let you know about last minute details of cancellations or reminders for events. Please make sure you are signed up to receive these messages. You do not need to download anything! Simply text @89388g  to the number 81010.

WorldSongs - Sun. May 4th, 4:00pm

This is the annual Spring concert of Heartland Youth Choir Cadet is NON-performing ensemble and does not participate in the event. However, we encourage families to attend this concert to enjoy an afternoon of music listening. These are great “first concerts” for your little ones to attend as we have many families in attendance. It’s truly inspiring to see the growth in their voice and skill as you listen and watch our choirs from 1st-12th grade perform! Get your Tickets Now!

Cadet Choirs Calendar