Canto Choirs

Newsletter for Friday, Feb. 21


Mrs. Bartemes (bar-TEE-mez)

Windsor Heights Location, WHLC

Artistic Director of HYC


Ms. Miller (MILL-er)

Ankeny Location, RLC

Associate Director of Cantilena and Canto


Weekly Schedule

Windsor Heights Lutheran Church: MONDAYS: 5:00-5:45

Ankeny, Resurrection Lutheran Church: TUESDAYS: 5:15-6:00

“Informance” Feb 24 (WHLC) and Feb 25 (ANK)

On these “informance” rehearsal days we invite families to COME to rehearsal! Although this isn’t a “concert” in the tradiitonal sense, it is a chance for your singer to perform for you, and for their conductor to share more about the learning process and what we have been working on in rehearsals. This is a great chance for families to peek behind the curtain and gain a greater understanding for their child’s musical development. Parents, guardians, siblings, and more are invited! These take place during our normal rehearsal time that week. Families will wait outside for the first 15min while the singers get ready, and then we invite you to observe your singer in action and get a preview of the formal concert to come in May. It is expected for families to attend if able!

When: Feb 24th, 5:15-5:45pm. Singers should still arrive at 5:00pm like usual (WHLC)

Feb. 25th 5:30-6:00pm. Singers should still arrive at 5:15pm like usual (ANK)

Where: Our usual rehearsal locations!

Wearing: Informal Uniform (HYC provided t-shirt and nice jeans).

SummerTunes Camp - July 21-25

HYC hosts a half-day camp for singers who have completed K-3rd grade. Camp is held at Windsor Heights Lutheran Church and is filled with singing, games, movement, and a performance at the end of the week for families to attend. Keep your child singing over the summer with us by registering for camp now!



Join “Remind” for HYC

This is a tool where HYC can text you directly to let you know about last minute details of cancellations or reminders for events. Please make sure you are signed up to receive these messages. You do not need to download anything!

Canto (Ankeny): Simply text @hhdb82e to the number 81010 / Canto (Windsor H.): Simple text @92fdcch to the number 81010

Upcoming Events:

Feb 24 - WHLC Canto Informance - families attend rehearsal

Feb 25 - ANK Canto Informance - families attend rehearsal

Final Rehearsals are April 28 and 29. We will resume weekly rehearsals in the Fall

May 4 - WorldSongs 4:00pm Concert (call time TBD 2:00pm)

May 16 - Awards Night

July 21-25 - Summer Tunes Camp

Canto Choirs Calendar


Formal Uniforms - order soon!

Full details discussed at Parent/Caregiver Handbook Meetings. All singers need to order the MAROON POLO SHIRT from LandsEnd. These will be worn at the Winter and Spring concerts.

Visit LandsEnds website.

  1. Click on the button “Shop by School”

  2. Under the heading “Find My School,” click “Enter School Number.”

  3. Enter School number 900092362 and click “Find School”

  4. Follow additional prompt as directed

All singers/families are responsible for providing their own:

  • black dress PANTS or SKIRTS (with black opaque tights if the skirt does not reach the floor). No jeans or leggings. These should be nice dress slacks or skirts.

  • plain black dress SHOES (slip on, simple laces, or small buckles are acceptable).

If YOU have items your singers has grown out of, please consider DONATING your outgrown uniform, or putting them for SALE with your name/contact info/and price for the item to help you curb costs of your new uniform for the year! Bring any used items to your next rehearsal.